Monday, September 7, 2009

I love Mifune. He manages to sound deadly and badass even when willfully handing out candy to children he feels sorry for. If Mifune were real, I think I'd marry him.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

So because I am dancing back and forth between reading Twilight and City of Bones while watching Supernatural (have to have something to counteract the scariness), I felt the need to say some things.

Upon the first few pages of Twilight, I am already enraged. Bella, why can't you be even a little happy that your father bought you a car? A fucking car. Most teeagers would die in happiness at the thought of a vehicle solely for them (the ones in Hollywood being the exception). What the hell.

Is it sad, though, that her writing is actually better than Cassandra Clare's? I thought they would be basically on par... (Though it is not only writing that is awful with Clare, but character reactions as well; I can't count how many times I would think to myself "Someone in that situation would not have done that, you lying whore!")

Friday, September 4, 2009

Well, I'm sorry your life is so fucking boring, Clary. Why don't you go and try to make it more interesting, like volunteer work, or cleaning your house, or even fucking studying. It might even make you step out of yourself, and give a new purpose to your life. Oh wait, you're just a stupid fucking self-insert, of course you couldn't possibly do any of these worthwhile things. Fucking suburbanite kids.

This is why we can't have nice things.

EDIT: Ah, fuck I knew Jace was a Draco Malfoy insert.

EDIT THE SECOND: Um... Cassandra? Tawny is dark blond. Not pale. K thanks, bye.


Dear god. At first, upon reading City of Bones, I thought to myself "This is just as bad as fanfiction!"

And, then, by page nine, I had realized my error. It is by far worse than fanfiction. It's so mediocre it's awful Who would actually pay someone to write like that. Or, rather, who would pay someone to write like that about themselves? It's an awful, awful Mary Sue. Even worse than Twilight.

Dear god, what has literature (regard the small "l") become?